Tuesday, December 26, 2006

God Father of Soul Dies

Yesterday James Brown the Godfather of soul and dies in the age 73. Brown was excited to preform New Years Eve even with him having Pnemonia. He died a few hours after Christmas morning.Man that made hits like Cold Sweat, I feel Good and get on the good Foot. Died in the hospital and was told by his best friend.


Anonymous said...

Kind of a random question...but were you born a muslim? If not...it would be really interessting if u could maybe write about ur journey to islam insha'Allah. and hey! since your living in T. then maybe u could write about the RIS convention :D

your sister in islam

Fatal Skillz said...

Lol na i was born muslim,no offence but to born muslim but ive noticed converted muslims are way better then born muslim but all of us should be the same, i know im gopnnna stop listening to music one day if i reach that day, lol i am gonna do a blog about RIS, as soon as i get sum info about it but i have nuttin right now so yea, thanks for commenting, and also recommend htis to your friends

Allah Ha Phiz

Fatal Skillz said...

*gonna *this

Bint Muhammad said...

nice blog:)